10 Reasons Why Laravel is the Best Framework for PHP development Companies

Nelly Nelson
8 min readAug 18, 2020


Developing web and mobile applications seems easy nowadays but the reality is not what meets the eye. Whether it’s a fortune 500 company or a startup, everybody seems to be seeking a unique solution at a rapid speed and avail a wide range of benefits from it. However, this turns out to be pretty much challenging for a software development company. Therefore, coming up with a relevant solution is a wise decision to make.

It might pique your interest that PHP is the best suited and the most reliable, general, and open-source scripting language used for web applications on a large scale. There are a plethora of PHP frameworks through which web applications are developed.

These frameworks provide a basic structure upon which the applications are built and it might amaze you that these frameworks are solely responsible for the speed, efficiency, performance, and responsiveness of any website. Simplifying the process, reducing the workload, track the errors, and debugging the websites is what PHP frameworks do.

Choosing the suitable PHP framework depends generally on the terms of requirements, the scale of the project, support, and security but mostly on its ease of use. And in that case, it might pique your interest that laravel has performed far better than any other PHP frameworks.

Why does Laravel catch the developer’s eye from the stack of all the PHP frameworks?

First launched in 2011, it still managed to gain popularity in a very short time due to its unique, advanced, and alternative features with respect to other PHP frameworks. Despite having a shorter learning curve, Laravel is one of the most amazing framework for Web Development with logical documenting and powerful application building tools.

You won’t believe but a simple and standardized process, high performance, rich features, completely MVC based, object-oriented, clean, and reusable code are a few reasons that Laravel catches the eye of the developer among the stack of all PHP frameworks.

Applications with a large number of special inversion control containers, associated testing modules, communicative migration structure, and maintenance program of Laravel enables you to perform easily and effortlessly.

There are many more benefits of this feature-packed platform but the crucial ones stating popularity are mentioned down below. So now, let’s dive into the details of the reasons for which you’ve landed on this blog in the first place.

1. Modularity

The modular packaging system of Laravel can help you to keep everything separated into various logical areas. This makes your code clean and organized which is ready to use and also rewritable for further use.

This type of modular structure approach is really helpful and good to use as a PHP developer can create separate folders for every module to reuse in other projects while building an application architecture. This thing is surely time effective, isn’t it?

Well, this makes debugging easy. The benefit of a modular package makes the laravel ideal for the large and high-end applications.

2. Template Engine

Laravel is highly renowned for its elegant but lightweight template designs mainly used for both the simple and complex layouts. The powerful templating engine for Laravel is named Blade which offers expressive syntax writing which is ready to use.

Blade enables a PHP developer to simply use plain PHP code in views and can also combine one or more templates with data models to get resulting views.

A PHP development company can map internally to it’s PHP counterpart as it gets condition statements and loops as a set of control structures.

3. Multiple file system

Being supported on Rackspace cloud and Amazon S3, the laravel gives the key benefit of sharing files from multiple locations. Whenever working on the large or high-end applications project, different modules are required to run which is very complicated, not to mention the stress that comes along with it.

In order to ease that process, Laravel came up with the multi-file system which doesn’t need any other software to run extra modules due to its own modularity and can import as many files needed for the respective projects.

4. Eloquent ORM (Object Relational Mapping)

Laravel stands out as its ORM is way faster and simpler than any other PHP framework. A PHP development company can get access to the database, create or edit it in only one language and there is no need of using SQL codes for it.

A simple active record implementation of ORM allows the PHP developer to solve queries related to databases with its elegant and expressive syntax very easily and effortlessly.

You would be happy to know that this establishes the smooth integration between the developers and the database with their data model.

5. MVC architecture support

MVC architecture supports the flow of applications. It keeps the business and presentation logic separated. Managing data, providing a suitable user interface, and taking appropriate actions are the primary functions of the structure.

It may interest you to know that MVC enables the PHP development company to control the module files which are divided according to different logics but are integrated into one place. But the thing you might not know is it can boost the application performance and have good maintainability.

This complete control also gives you the choice of application routes and provides the opportunity to make necessary changes to any module or file without breaking any sweat.

6. Artisan

Laravel has always been admired for its elegant designs and a powerful package of built-in tools. One such distinctive built-in tool is Artisan which provides command-line utility to run the Unit test through the framework.

Also, it can manage the data, assets, and configurations too. It even possesses a noteworthy capacity to create the code, commands, and a complete structure of a database right away by generating their basic MVC files.

Did we mention that Artisan is considered as the heart of the laravel framework? Using minimum repetitive tasks for the application development, artisan makes it certain for them to be fully automated.

7. Libraries and Modular

When I tell you that laravel is the only PHP framework that issues pre-installed libraries, you may take some time to wonder “How anything can be so extraordinary?

Because the entire framework is object-oriented. The authentication library is one such rich-featured platform that comprises Bcrypt hashing, CSRF protection, monitoring active users, and password reset functionalities.

However, the division of the framework in different module files allows a PHP developer to build a speedy and responsive web or mobile application.

8. Intact Security

The Laravel team is very aware of the security reasons for its software and its applications. That’s the reason why they have deployed several security features in their applications. The authentication system, SQL injection, CSRF, and laravel security package are to name some.

A PHP developer only needs to build up a structural database, models, and controllers while the built-in features of the authentication system facilitate the process for every request made and every bit of data retrieved.

Apart from that, The Bcrypt hashing algorithm allows the user to generate the encrypted password instead of saving the plain text password in the database. The supporting feature of laravel kicks in automatically to save the database against the malicious XSS attacks.

To reduce the vulnerabilities, the laravel uses CSRF tokens to be sure of no third party security breaches. Even though using such strict security measures, laravel allows the users to make necessary changes into the code of already built-in security packages. This increases the security to a greater extent against any type of code attacks in the future.

Some secure routes and certifications are also set for the website when it’s launched on the HTTP. With the little assistance from a PHP developer, you can easily convert the HTTP into HTTPS just to be on the safe side.

Obviously there could be hundreds of other threats but the laravel framework is significantly more secure than any other PHP framework for any possible threats against your applications.

9. Unique Unit-testing

Unit testing is done to detect and prevent any type of regressions in the framework. The name itself suggests that it’s the test for the smaller portion or the single unit of your code whereas the feature test is for the larger portion.

This feature authorizes tests on models, controllers, etc. The test files are already provided in the applications. So, after installing it you can easily run the test through the command line. Just give the command and lay down on the chair awaiting results while everything else happens automatically.

You can always configure the test and its command according to your necessities. When you use the built-in artisan test runner, it keeps you updated regarding the running test and would stop automatically if any failure is detected.

10. Secure Migration system

Migrations qualify version control systems to bring changes in layouts and codebase without rewriting it every time which prevents the data loss. It’s been done by PHP code instead of SQL which provides ease in commands.

Database seeding makes it possible to select the data that would be useful to set up the initial application.

So, what do you think? weren’t the above reasons surprisingly wonderful? If yes, then I have a bonus left especially for you. We are gonna take a look at some of the Laravel framework features that facilitate the App creation in brief.

Dotenv: Secures the application’s information with login credentials and passwords.

PSR-4: With only one namespace available automatically through the composer from the apps directory, it can be structured in any way you need in a very easy manner.

IOC Container: It’s used to make everything injectable in the applications and provide flexibility which makes the testing or changing implementations very easy.

Version Cycle: Laravel has a shorter version cycle. you can get better applications, rich and advanced features, bugs fixed, improvements, and enhancements in like every 6 months.

Flysystem: It’s an amazing file management system connected with the cloud. Laravel’s elixir package provides the NodeJS Gulp task manager which can be used to your advantage for developing apps.

Cashier: This tool manages the subscription, processes the discount periods, coupons, and can even generate the invoices in pdf format.

Let’s pack it up

While enjoying this article you might have got it by now that Laravel is one of the easiest and flexible frameworks to use despite being so power-packed with advanced features, unique functions, and elegant designs.

Not just the community of PHP developers that love to use Laravel framework is growing but the software companies are also turning more and more towards it for reliable solutions to complex problems and challenging situations.

Creating scalable and custom software applications for any project even with a chance to restructure it without undergoing any kind of trouble really sounds alarming. This makes us aware of the capabilities of the Laravel PHP framework and the extent to which it can be helpful to us.

Laravel has always been providing out of the box solutions and functions which makes it more likely to catch the PHP developer’s eye. Tell me which feature of Laravel has caught your attention?



Nelly Nelson

I am Nelly Nelson and writes about emerging technology. I focusing on the latest technology, news, gadgets.